Bank of Baroda BC Outlet Inspection Risk Categorization Matrix

बैंक ऑफ़ बड़ौदा अपने BC आउटलेट (किओस्क) का प्रतिमाह इंस्पेक्शन करेगा और निम्नलिखित सूची के आधार पर उनको अंक देगा , अंको के आधार पर BC आउटलेट (किओस्क) को 4 category में रखा जावेगा (Very High Risk / High Risk / Medium Risk / Low Risk), Very High Risk BC आउटलेट (किओस्क) को बंद करने की कार्यवाही की जाएगी

Bank of Baroda

1Display of Do’s & Don’ts boad at pc pointBoard Present and visible5 mark5
Board Present and No visible3 mark
Board Not Present0 mark
2Display of out Bank’s signage and Branding Material at pc pointBoard Present and visible5 mark5
Board Present and No visible3 mark
Board Not Present0 mark
Other Bank / FI(-) 2 mark
3BC settelemtn acCredit at least once in a month5 mark5
Not once in a month0 mark
4Suspected frauds of Biomectric Cloing0 comlaints10 Mark10
1 ccomlaints0 Mark
investigation and termination
5Complaints against BC0 comlaints 10 Mark10
1-2 comlaints 7 Mark
3-5 comlaints 3 Mark
6-10 comlaints 0 mark
> 10 comlaints(-) 5 mark
6Percentage of Slippage of ac whose leads were  generated by BC in last 12 Month< 1%10 Mark10
1% to <5%6 mark
5% to <10%3 mark
10% to < 20%(-) 5 mark
>20 % (-) 10 mark
Not generated any lead in 12 Month(-) 2 mark
7Percentage of account reported as fraud  whose leads were  generated by BC in last 12 Month< 1%10 Mark10
1% to <5%3 mark
5% to <10%0 mark
10% to < 20%(-) 5 mark
>20 % (-) 10 mark
Not generated any lead in 12 Month(-) 2 mark
SIRisk ScoreCategory
1< 10Very High Risk
210-20High Risk
321-45Medium Risk
446-55Low Risk

अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप सम्बन्धी विडिओ देख सकते है